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May 20, 2021

Classic Car Security When Driving on Public Roads

You probably own a classic car for one reason—you want to drive it. However, operating a classic car is not exactly the same thing as operating one of today’s modern vehicle. Because of the values and operating risks attached to these vehicles, you might face a higher personal security threat. Therefore, you need to take […]
April 30, 2021

Do I Need Boat Insurance if I Just Rent a Boat?

Renting a boat can save you from the responsibility of owning, upkeeping and purchasing a boat. You won’t be completely free of responsibility when it comes to an accident, however. Any accident you may be involved in on the rented boat can fall back on your shoulders, especially without the right coverage.  If you rent […]
March 24, 2021

Classic Car Insurance: Tips For Finding Coverage

  There’s nothing like a classic car. From hot rods to retro Japanese beauties, classic and antique cars are a blast from the past and are a joy to drive. For car enthusiasts, these vehicles are a labor of love, and whole communities are dedicated to appreciating the glory of these classic beasts of the […]
March 12, 2021

Motorcycle Insurance

Gain freedom on the road with the right motorcycle coverage. To ensure you’ve got the coverage and financial protection you need, consider the following motorcycle insurance coverage options.   Liability Insurance Coverage  Required by most states, liability insurance covers bodily injury and property damage that you may cause to other people involved in an accident.   Bodily […]
February 22, 2021

Keeping Insurance Rates Favorable Following a DUI

Committing any traffic offense will make you a higher liability to your auto insurance company. At no time is this more evident than when you commit a DUI or DWI offense. These are among the most serious offenses that any driver can commit, and if you are one of these offenders, then you will usually […]

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