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Home » Classic Car Security When Driving on Public Roads
May 20, 2021

Classic Car Security When Driving on Public Roads

You probably own a classic car for one reason—you want to drive it. However, operating a classic car is not exactly the same thing as operating one of today’s modern vehicle. Because of the values and operating risks attached to these vehicles, you might face a higher personal security threat. Therefore, you need to take extra precautions behind the wheel. Here are just a few tips on how to do so. a close up of a motorcycle

Step 1: Maximize Your Insurance 

Classic vehicles, like every other car, need auto insurance. Specifically, classic car insurance will apply to the vehicle’s unique value and features. Make sure your policy contains at least: 

  • Liability insurance: If you cause a wreck, then you have to pay for the damage you cause others. We recommend you carry liability coverage in excess of $100,000. Wrecks in classic cars, for example, might cause much costlier damage to all involved. 

  • Collision coverage: If you have a wreck, this coverage can pay for your car’s damage. 

  • Comprehensive insurance: Non-accident hazards, like weather or theft, might damage or destroy the car. This coverage can help you pay for the damage. 

  • Uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage: Another driver might have no liability insurance. Or, their policy might not offer enough coverage to pay for your car’s damage, given a classic car’s exceptional value. This coverage, on your own policy, can help you cover these costs. 

Step 2: Put Security First 

A classic car likely takes a lot of maintenance and upkeep. However, that also means you have a lot of money invested in the car. This might make it a target for thieves or vandals. The fact that the car might lack some of the modern security devices might make this threat even higher.  

However, you can still take other practical security steps to protect the vehicle: 

  • Park the car in public, lit areas. This might make it harder for thieves to make quick getaways. 

  • Never leave the keys in the car and don’t leave valuables on displace inside. Lock the car whenever you walk away and remember to take the keys with you. 

  • You can often install portable alarms or steering wheel locks inside the vehicle. 

Step 3: Drive Carefully 

Older vehicles usually don’t have the same control surfaces as your everyday car. You’ll therefore need to take it a little slower when on the road. Don’t exceed speed limits, especially on interstates, and leave ample space between yourself and other drivers. 

When at home, it is best to store the vehicle in a locked, covered garage. Don’t forget to keep a copy of your commercial auto policy in the car at all times. You will need it for quick reference in case problems arise. 


Tags: auto, car, classic, coverage, insurance, policy, vintage

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